Auctions & Sales

Large Estate Liquidation Sale

52 E Cemetery Rd., Fairfax
Front Building - 50% off everyday
Back Building - Everything's $1 or Less
(on and below tables, unless specified)
Long Time Collector of Antiques
Largest Indoor Revolving Estate Sale in Cedar Rapids! New estates every weekend. Antiques, Collectibles, Lots of Holiday Items, Lots of Office Furniture, All kinds of Glassware, Stoneware, Pottery, Artwork, crafts, tools, furniture, sports items, militaria, books, electronics, jewelry, MCM, toys & more. Everything under the sun.
Friday, Sept 13th - Sunday, Sept 15th
10am-4pm each day
Estate Liquidators LLC 319-845-6014

Ad ID: 223515

Post Date: September 8, 2024

Expire Date: September 14, 2024

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Avoid scams by meeting sellers in-person to pay for items. Always inspect an item before paying and be wary of deals that are too good to be true. Stay safe – read our fraud awareness tips.