Auctions & Sales


2330 North View Dr, Marion
Fri Sept 13th, 5:30pm-9pm
(Numbers at 4pm)
Sat Sept 14th, 9am-5pm
Sun Sept 15th, 9am-2pm
Largest Sale of the Year! Fenton Glass Collection, German Nutcrackers, Hundreds of Hummels, Lladro, Thousands of Beanie Babies, Midcentury Furniture, Lawyers Bookcases, Collins Radio Cam Equipment, Waterford Glassware, Fantastic Furniture, Bronze Statues, Old Toys, Vintage Rugs, and Tons More!
See photos on
Bob Jacoby Estate Sales

Ad ID: 223597

Post Date: September 8, 2024

Expire Date: September 14, 2024

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